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Additional questions to the course:

  1. What is most important for you in learning a language (list the points in the order of importance)?
  2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of English (Esperanto) as a world language?
  3. What's the difference between the theatre and TV both in production and viewing? What kind of leisure do yon prefer and why?
  4. Which generation knows best: younger or the older one?
  5. Do you want to live to be a hundred? Give arguments or counter-arguments, please.
  6. What profession would you choose if ... Profession you like most and qualities needed by the people in this profession.
  7. What kind of prejudices do you have (in your country)? Do you think there's any truth in them?
  8. What superstitions are there in your country? Do you have any?
  9. What is your attitude to fears and phobias? What are they born out of?
  10. What is your attitude to traveller's tales? Do you take them seriously?
  11. What do you like and dislike about travelling a) by air, b) by land, c) by water?
  12. Prevention is better than cure. Give as many reasons as you can.
  13. What are the hazards of modern life?
  14. What a miserable lot dieters are! Give your arguments and co-unter-arguments.
  15. What is your attitude to money? Is it worth saving and working for? What is your (family) budget?
  16. How to preserve the animal world? What are your solutions of the problem?
  17. What are contemporary environmental problems? What are the ways of overcoming them?
  18. What is your favourite sort of art or music? How did you first become interested in it? If you find a lot of money to spend on this interest, how would you spend the money?
  19. Why do we prefer brains to brawn?
  20. Is it possible to combine a happy family life with a successful career (for men and women)?
  21. The advantages and disadvantages of large (small) family size.
  22. Men and women should share equal responsibilities for bringing up children.
  23. The role of new technologies in everyday life. New appliances - to every house.
  24. What scientific discoveries can we expect in the 3-rd millennium? Which of them make people either happy or unhappy?
  25. Compare the state (government) systems of Great Britain and the USA.
  26. Compare British, American and Belarussian people. What common features do you find in them?
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