Personal Information
Full name: Katsubo Dmitry Vladimirovich
Birth place and data: Republic of Belarus, Gomel, 4th of September, 1980
Current address: Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Odintsova str, 23/2-60
Postal address: 220018, box 168
Family status: unmarried
Years of work experience: 5Contact Information
Home phone: +375 29 257-69-52
Cellular phone: +375 29 755-31-32
ICQ: 30384955Employment Objective
In a present time I am deeply interested in Linux-like operating systems. I am able to carry out system and network administration as well as to participate in system development projects for Linux. I can take part in the project development from its design and coding till deployment and post-installation support.Summary of qualifications
- Professional experience in design, implementation and administering of multiplatform enterprise-level LANs and WANs
- Experienced Linux system administrator
- Deep background in managing heterogeneous Linux/Windows NT domains
- Wide knowledge in Internet services administration
- Experience in Web design (HTML, PHP, Perl, Javascript)
- Experience in C/C++, Perl and Java programming
Hardware/Software Summary
- Operation systems: Linux RedHat 7.x, Linux SUSE 8.x, Linux Mandrake 7.x, AltLinux 2.x, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000 Advanced Server
- Network services: Sendmail, Postfix, Apache, Squid, Bind, ProFTPd, xinetd, Samba, dhcpd, NFS, NIS, ucd-snmp, pppd, OpenSSH, OpenLDAP, nntpd, VNC, amanda
- Development tools: make, CVS, bash
- Development environments: MS VC++ Studio 6.0, Borland JBuilder 5.0, Borland Kylix, Intellij IDEA 3.0.5, Eclipse 2.1, Borland Delphi 6.0
- Design tools: ErWin, Rational Rose, Model Maker
- Databases: MySQL 4.1, Oracle 8i, PostgreSQL, SQLBase
- Web techniques: HTML, XML, XSL, Java applets, JavaScript, CGI, FastCGI
Professional Experience (start from the very last project)
Oct. 2002 - Present: GENERATION_P, Minsk, Belarus
Position: System and network administrator
Contact person: Sergey Zubekhin (+375 29 673-74-35)
SEA (Search Engine Analyser): This project was aimed to help Web business oriented companies to control their resource ratings by collecting the ratings of the specified resources from the world-famous search engines (Google, Yahoo, Webcrawler, etc) and producing the human-friendly statistics and reports.
Tools/techniques used: Perl (CGI, GD::Graph, DBI, DBD::mysql, HTML::Parser, LWP, WWW::Search, Spreadsheet::WriteExcel), MySQL, Apache+mod_ldap, ErWinReporter: This system was designed and developed for internal use to store and analyse the teams' work during the projects' lifetime. Using this system one can easily compare the activity of the team members or projects.
Tools/techniques used: Perl (CGI, GD::Graph, DBI, DBD::Oracle, MIME::Parser, XML::Parser, Spreadsheet::WriteExcel), Oracle8i, Apache+FastCGI+mod_ldap, ErWinPAnwalt: The aim of the project is automating the work of patent companies: registration, storing and managing patents in different spheres of life.
Tools/techniques used: Borland Kylix, Borland Delphi 6.0, Rational Rose
Sep 2001 - Oct 2002: InterVelopers, Minsk, Belarus
Position: System and network administrator
Contact person: Eugene Kisly (+375 29 623-26-46)
- Maintaining and extending the internal network with about 30 computers and 2 Linux servers, running mail, LDAP, Samba and IRC servers.
- Installing and adopting the development software (CVS, Bugzilla, web-based administration tools).
- Linux and Windows workstations' backups using amanda backup system.
- Company's software installation on client's servers, pre- and post- installation support.
- Remote administration and online monitoring on client's request.
- Additional software development (database, filesystem and web server benches).
- Maintainance of the corporate site
- HTTPGetter - the HTTP benchmark program.
- Installation and backup scripts for
- Administration of
- support.
- remote administration.
- support.
Aug 2000 - Sep 2001: CIT (Centre of Informational Technologies), Minsk
Position: Database programmer, Linux programmer
Contact person: Neselovsky Vladimir Evgenevich (+375 29 239-84-82)
DWARF: Oracle-oriented software and database development for document management system (DWARF).
BIPC: Juridical database development for Belorussian Interbank Payment Center.
Additional plug-ins have been implemented on MS VC++.
Tools/techniques used: MS VC++ Studio 6.0, ErWin, Oracle 8i
I have written the basic utilities for converting, importing/exporting the data from/into XML/SQL format.
Tools/techniques used: MS VC++ Studio 6.0, Perl, SQLBaseVPN: Development of VPN (Virtual Private Network) with several levels of protection (authentication / SSL / PGP) for the Office of Public Prosecutor.
Tools/techniques used: bash, stunnel, sendmail+uucpAug 1999 - Jul 2000: Institute of Technical Cybernetics, Minsk
Position: Junior programmer in the field of network security
Development and maintenance of firewall for Government Office. It has been developed both for Windows NT platform as well as for Linux kernel as a kernel module, extending the features of the build-in firewall. My duties were to develop and perform network tests for the written module and to check the code for vulnerabilities. I have also carried out the code analysing of different troyans and kernel exploits.Sep 1998 - Jul 1999: School number 32, Minsk
Position: System and network administrator
Administration of school's network containing Linux and Windows workstations and servers. Extending and supporting the network. Providing the means of communication and information access for local users (E-mail, Web server, ICQ, IRC). Reading the additional lectures concerning working in Windows and Linux environment.Education
In 1998 I have graduated from Minsk secondary English specialized school number 32 with silver medal (average mark 4.95 out of 5.0).
In 2003 I have graduated from the the faculty of Applied Mathematics and Informatics of Belorussian State University. My speciality is mathematician - system programmer. I've got the diploma with honors (the average mark is 4.83 of 5.0 according to the results of 10 terms). My diploma topic was "Using clustering system OpenMosix for the distributed computations".
In the April, 2000 I've passed the Linux system and network administration course in IATP (Internet Access and Training Program) and got the appropriate certificate.
I've got the BrainBench Master certificate in Linux Administration (General) (see here).Personal
I started interested in computer science at the age of 15. Last time I take a deep interest in system administration and Web technologies.
I am considered to be very reliable and responsible person. I am capable to perform difficult long-run tasks cause I possess such qualities as diligence and industriousness. I work in team without any problems, easy to communicate with.